Scott Stevens

Scott Stevens

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Poorly-Timed School Photo Day

Poorly-Timed School Photo Day

Parents of kids at an Indiana elementary school received a hilarious surprise when their kids' school pictures were made available.

Photos were taken of the kids sitting in front of a green screen so that parents could choose from a variety of backgrounds. Unfortunately, photo day happened to be on St. Patrick's Day, and many of the children were sent to school wearing green. As a result, their bodies do not appear in the photos. In many cases, parents only have a photo of their child's head floating in a background of a flower bed, a bookcase, or a farm. One parent also sent her son with a green mohawk, so his hair doesn't even appear in the photo. 

One mother, Amanda Snow, says her son Oliver chose a white picket fence as his background. Nut she explains, "He had a dark green shirt on. The top of his hoodie is green, so he turned into the fence here." She adds, "And he had a green mohawk, but that is completely gone." The photo company told parents that

Scott's Thoughts:

  • The photographer had to know there was going to be a problem with the photos.
  • Nowadays, kids can choose from dozens of green screen backgrounds. In my day you had to sit in front of a screen that looked like a bookcase or one that looked science fiction with laser beams. 
  • So no more St. Patrick's Day photo shoots, I guess. 

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