Scott Stevens

Scott Stevens

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WEIRD NEWS: Drunk and Disgruntled

WEIRD NEWS: Drunk and Disgruntled

There are a lot of workers who don't like their bosses, and then there's this guy in Australia who decided to get drunk, steal his boss's car, and park it on the train tracks.

In addition to most likely needing to find a new job, the 23-year-old will also need to find a lawyer as he is facing numerous charges. Not only did steal a car and drive it while intoxicated, he also doesn't have a driver's license. Cops say he first drove the car over the train tracks, but then put it in reverse and backed it up directly onto the tracks and left it there expecting a train to strike it. The next morning, a train approached the vehicle but the driver was able to stop before slamming into it. A local farmer used a tractor to pull the vehicle off the tracks so that the train could proceed. Later in the day, police arrested the unhappy employee and charged him with car theft, driving without a license, negligent driving, and obstructing a train. (9News)

Scott's Thoughts:

  • So, does this mean a letter of recommendation is out of the question?
  • At least he was smart enough to get out of the car after he parked it.
  • Hating your boss and getting drunk is probably not a good combination.

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