When Hugs Go Wrong
If you're a touchy-feely person who identifies as a "hugger," you may not want to run up to someone and put them in a bear hug without first making sure they're not holding something sharp.
A Louisiana man is in the hospital after he ran up to give someone a hug outside a bar without realizing the man was holding a knife. He suffered a stab wound and is in serious condition. The unsuspecting friend, 34-year-old Joshua Bean, had taken out a knife and was showing it off to a group of people when he was put in a bear hug. After realizing he had stabbed the man, Bean tried to render aid until an ambulance arrived. Although witnesses say the stabbing was accidental, Bean has been arrested and charged with one count of negligent injuring. (The Advocate)
Hot Takes:
- You can't just run up on somebody and hug them.
- Maybe he should stick to handshakes of fist bumps from now on.
- The guy who stabbed him must feel awful, but it really wasn't his fault.