Flush your ex ... Don't you wish you could move on from a crappy relationship by simply flushing your ex down the toilet? Well guess what? Now you can. Thanks to a toilet paper company called Who Gives a Crap, you can have old love letters, cards, or any type of paper gifts from your ex recycled into a roll of toilet paper that you can use to wipe away all the memories from your time together. Just mail those letters and sweet little notes to the company and they'll take care of the rest. For more info, go to FlushYourEx.WhoGivesaCrap.org.
Speaking of the crapper...
What would you do for a bathroom that is always clean? Would you give up half of your salary? According to a new poll, 20% of Americans said they would actually cut their salary in half if it meant always having a clean and sanitized bathroom at home. 25% said they would give up dining out or getting takeout for a clean commode, 23% said they would give up their favorite show, and 22% would give up one year's worth of internet access.